If the recent election has told us anything, it is that mudslinging is every political person's favorite activity. There is a lot of fighting and nitpicking going on between the left and the right. A lot. Seriously, I get sick and tired of hearing about "socialist" Democrats and "redneck" Republicans, it's almost as if we didn't have anything better to do than to tear each other down.

The political spectrum has degraded to a point where Ad hominem attacks based on stereotypes run rampant, and are now a part of our culture. The topics that are being debated are no longer relevant, and the focus of the argument is not about reaching a comprimise and/or solution, but about showing the other side who the biggest dunce is. (Because, obviously, if somebody doesn't agree with you, they don't know what they're talking about, because you are right. All. The. Time.)

I think it's safe to say that the dunce is right under your nose.
One nasty side effect of the two-party system is the polarization of topics. Now what do I mean by that? Well, it's when there are only two perceived outcomes as to how a controversial issue may be addressed, and those views are skewed by the individual parties beliefs. If I confused you just then, I'll show an example using abortion to illustrate my point:
Republican opinion on abortion: Protect life, period. EVERY baby has the right to life.
Democrat opinion on abortion: Protect the rights of the mother, it's HER body, after all.
Now, I will bet $10 to the first person that can do a survey and find one person in either party that has a viewpoint on the issue that is different that the two I have listed above. Seriously, if you can find that person, let me know, because your $10 will be well deserved.

...Give up yet? It's really hard to find a person like that. THAT'S what I'm talking about. No thought is given to alternative means of settling the issue, and there is no attempt at compromise. Our system is one that likes to pit two differing viewpoints against each other, and sometimes both viewpoints may not be right. (I'm not making an argument for or against any viewpoint on abortion, I'm just saying)
I think George Washington said it best:
"It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."
- George Washington's Farewell Address To the People of the United States, published in The Independent Chronicle - September 26, 1796
He's telling us that not only does it divide our country in two, but it makes way for corruption, as well...sound familiar? Bank bailouts? Two unconstitutional wars? A growing gap between the lower and upper class? Our two-party system has made way for lots of unqualified individuals to take office. That in itself is reflected in the current state of our land. If we were to switch to a non-partisan system, It would force us to look at the person, not the party. I really think that in itself would help push a lot of useless politicians out of the system, and help us out in the long run.
Anyways, That's all I have to say on the issue, and remember: the two-party system in America is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded.

(Ok, that was just mean, I'll own up to that)
On a more serious note: fight the power, go non-partisan! That is all. (That turned into an opinionated rant pretty quickly, sorry guys. :/ )
-Garrett Pace
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